Diet Maintenance of Cholesterol levels.

Diet For Better Heart Health and the Maintenance of Cholesterol levels.

Maintenance of Cholesterol levels.

In a world where a quick-grab food costs almost a penny, well, let’s put it this way you just pay with something else. Increasing obesity in teens, increasing cholesterol levels in middle-aged people are the aftermaths of this fast-food industry boom. Diet For Better Heart Health and the Maintenance of Cholesterol levels.

How can you change your diet to keep yourself in check?

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids and the heart

Omega 3s have been found to have benefits for heart health although there is some debate exactly how much benefit there is. Early studies indicated large benefits,

but more recent studies have suggested much smaller benefits. Fish derived Omega 3s such as EPA and DHA have been most extensively tested in clinical trials. Plants do have

Omega 3 in the form of ALA, however, this form has not been studied as extensively as fish derived Omega 3s.

  • Reduce Trans Fats

Research has shown that different fats have different effects on our body. The aim of a heart-friendly diet isn’t to remove all, fat from the diet. A more balanced strategy towards dietary fats is to limit saturated fat and trans fats.

Increasing Omega 3s and unsaturated fats from nuts, legumes and plants. Trans fats are associated with significantly higher rates of heart disease. As a response, there has been a global effort to reduce the number of Trans fats in commercially manufactured food.

  • Increase Fiber

A higher level of dietary fibre has been linked with lower rates of heart disease. A simple trick is to incorporate more whole grains in your diet.

  • Increase Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are naturally low in fat, contain dietary fibre and have many important nutrients.

These few health tips can help you maintain your cholesterol levels and have a healthy heart. A diet which contains the aforementioned items also decreases the chances of cardiovascular diseases. Some good healthy exercise twice a week, could just be the cherry on the top. 

For a healthy heart, a balanced diet is also essential. Consuming fibre-rich food is necessary, as this naturally cleanse your system and keep your heart healthy as a result of proper digestion. Abstain from fibreless junk and processed foods as the high content of unhealthy fats, salt and sugar contribute to obesity – a significant risk factor for heart diseases.  YES mentioning this twice! 

Alcohol and tobacco (whether chewed or smoked) are habits that you must avoid in your endeavour to take care of the health of your heart.

There’s also an issue with insulin, When insulin stays chronically elevated because of high blood sugar levels, your cells become “resistant” to this hormone. Insulin resistance is a chief driver for heart disease.

Wait, every cloud has a silver lining, Good news for chocolate lovers: The flavanols in dark chocolate can boost heart health. Quality and quantity are key: Look for organic raw dark chocolate with at least 85   or higher cacao and no more than five grams of sugar per serving. Remember that most bars contain several servings.

Another beneficial substance to heart health is green tea! Another driver of bad health is lack of sleep, on the other hand, can activate the body’s stress response by triggering the sympathetic nervous system, and this can alter the production of cortisol.

Limiting sodium intake which is consuming less salt is also beneficial for the heart. Replacing saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fatty acids in the daily diet can also help lower cholesterol levels, which is one of the risk factors for heart diseases.

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